5 de febrero de 2010



Carlos has playes football this morning

He has sat down on a chair

She has witten on the board

They have fallen in love in the pont

The have fallen in love in the park


have | past participle
has (he dont) | 3ª columna


-Recents past accions ->
-Past experiences ->
-Past evets lasting up to ->

1 de diciembre de 2009

One evening Mr. Smith and has family were watching TV home then they heard some music upstairs.
They went upstairs and knocked the door. Then the neigh neighbors invited then to the party and them they sat on the sofa to watch TV again.

17 de noviembre de 2009

Adrian is 13 ¾ years old, and he makes his New Year's Resolutions. But he's got a spot on his chin. He feels very bad because his parents are always arguing. His dog is ill because he ate his father's model ship. Mr Lucas, the neighbour visits Adrian's mother every day. Adrian meets a girl called Pandora and falls in love with her, but she starts going out with Nigel, his best friend. Adrian is in a group at school that helps old people, and has to visit an old man called Bert Baxter, but he isn't very nice. Mr and Mrs Lucas are getting a divorce, and Mrs Lucas leaves her husband. Adrian's father is jealous because his wife is always with Mr Lucas.

30 de octubre de 2009


Es una fiesta de graduacion de fin de curso donde los alumnos aparecen muertos o desaparecen .

El professor está nombrando a los alumnos graduados y la primera alumna en graduarse desaparece. La buscan durante un gran tiempo pero no la pudieron encontrar. Llamaron a la segunda alumna a graduarse y así hasta que se graduaron todos los alumnos menos el ultimo que tambien desapareció. Pensaron que quizá se habian ido a dar un paseo juntos.
Una vez comenzado el baile de graduación empiezan a suceder cosas extrañas, se escuchaban ruidos extraños, era la alumna perdida que no hacia más que chillar que la soltara y pedir ayuda. Los ruidos les llevaron hacia un cuarto oscuro donde se escuchaba una voz de fondo que decia “vais a morir muahaha”.Horrorizados por el ruido salieron corriendo hacia el bosque.
En medio del bosque salieron unos zombies queriendo llevarles. Salieron corriendo de nuevo hacia la fiesta de graduacion. Cuandollegaron vieron el carte que ponia “vais a morir” los alumnos asustados no sabian que hacer, los moviles estaban sin cobertura y no podian hacer nada.

Los zombies entraron al baile de graduacion y comenzaron a morder la cabeza para volverlos zombis a los alumnos. Los dos alumnos desaparecidos al comienzo de la graduacion se volvieron zombis y van a atacar a sus compàñeros, todos se convierten en zombis y el zombi rey era el profesor.


16 de octubre de 2009


~File 1

-Ex 1 - verb be [+], pronouns (1)

Well done, you scored 6/6.

-Ex 2 - verb be [+], pronouns (2)
-Ex 3 - verb be [–] and [?] (1)

Your score is 5 / 6. Please try again.

* 6 ARE she Italian?
6 IS she Italian?

-Ex 4 -
verb be [–] and [?] (2)

Put the words in the correct order.
6 Thailand. from isn't He

Ex 5 -
a / an, plurals, this / that / these / those (1)

Your score is 4 / 6. Please try again.

*2 THIS are my English books.
are my English books

~Kelly J.